City Net is committed to breaking the cycle of homelessness in the communities we serve by connecting neighbors experiencing homelessness to transformative care and innovative solutions that lead to housing.


Our objective is to reduce homelessness to functional zero in the regions we serve through collaborative supportive services, housing provision, and data-driven solutions that empower our clients to reach their personal goals.


City Net was formed in Long Beach, CA, in 2003 in part to streamline homelessness services in the city by establishing and leading a collaboration among faith congregations, city government, and nonprofit organizations. City Net worked in partnership with these providers to develop collective, systems-wide goals, strategic action plans, and measurable results and thus—by promoting collaboration over competition—helped create and lead an initiative that was partially responsible for a 26% reduction in homelessness in Long Beach (City of Long Beach, 2015).

By 2014, City Net’s work proved so effective that the City of Anaheim asked us to replicate our impact in Orange County. Since then, we have expanded our services through contracts across all of California. The multi-sector collaborations we lead through these contracts have transitioned thousands of people from the streets to housing.

Today, we work together to provide services that will result in ending street-level homelessness through the provision of street-outreach, case management, housing navigation, bridge-housing, non-congregate shelter operation, reunifications, census coordination, and more. City Net also works to mobilize community resources, including meals, volunteers, donations and advocacy, to coordinate care in emergency shelters, parks, and other public areas where homeless neighbors live. These efforts seek to reduce wasteful duplication and fill missing gaps in the continuum of care, with the long-term goal of ending homelessness by providing homeless neighbors a stable context in which their emergency needs are met, so they can work on long-term housing plans.